Monday, May 08, 2006

V E Day

Today 61 years ago, the nightmare of World War 2 in Europe ended with the surrender of Germany on May 7, 2006.

May 8 was declared VE Day, Victory in Europe Day.

Thank a WW2 Vet for their sacrifice in liberating a continent and bringing democracy to a people who had never had it before (Germans). Before 1871, Germany was divided up into many States, some no larger then the City of Los Angeles. These were ruled by a king, duke or some type of royalty figure, unless they were being overrun by the French or other powers. The German Empire (1871 - 1918) was no democracy. The German Republic (1918/1919 - 1933) was a failed state and a dictatorship from 1933 - 1945.

A group of Americans who before the war knew or cared little about the outside world, plus a group of British who were more aware of the outside world then the Yanks, planted democracy into German soil and nurtured it since then. Now, after 50 odd years, the Brits and Yanks can withdraw from Germany and not be afraid it will collapse into another dictatorship.

Thank a WW2 Vet for not giving up on the Germans, for saving a continent and by staying afterwards to help build a free and prosperous Europe.

The BeaconNews