Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blogging can be harmful to your wallet

For some reason, people seem to forget that what is said on line is PUBLIC and anything said on line can and will be used against you. Even if you blog anonymously, your identity can be found out if the person looking at your blog has the technical know how.

Story on Hugh Hewitt, a doctor who was on trial for malpractice was blogging, anonymously, about his trial (stupid) and the plaintiff's attorney found the blog and confronted the doctor on the stand. The doctor said all sorts of things about the plaintiff, the plaintiff's attorney and the defenses strategy. The doctor agreed to pay the plaintiff what ever they demanded and the case was closed.

Bottom line, don't say on line what you would not say in public to the person your talking too. It seems to be common sense, but as this doctor has shown, common sense seems to be uncommonly rare.

Have a good day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


End of the month close time so busy at work. School will be very busy over the next two weeks or rather busier then normal. Not much else going on so on to the news.

Our "wonderful" leaders in Sacramento have another bright idea:

The measure, AB1471, would require starting in 2010 that all semiautomatic
pistols sold in California contain a mechanism to stamp the gun's make, model
and serial number on the shell casing of the bullet every time the weapon is

Of course most guns used in crimes are stolen and they tend to be older models so this technology will not be of much help for a long time. And if the gun is stolen, how will this help police in solving the crime? The people who steal the gun sell it to another crook who uses it. May the bill die and not be revived. The solution to gun crime is simple, use a gun to commit a crime, die. First offense, even if the gun isn't loaded or will even work. The bad guy wanted others to believe if they didn't comply they would die so the bad guy should die instead. I know the arguments against capital punishment and the 8th Amendment to the Constitution, but still think we should give it a try. It would get the message out, don't use a gun to commit a crime.
Hat tip Lucianne.

Bill Gates had better watch out or he may be replaced as the richest man and his replacement won't be an American!!!!! (cue xenophobic gasp). Carlos Slim like Andrew Carnegie believes in vertical integration and he is making a lot of money in Mexico. Hat tip Lucianne.

Finally, laptops cause health problems. When your mother said to not slouch, she wasn't kidding.

See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Its the start of another work week

Even though its Tuesday, it feels like a Monday since yesterday was Memorial Day. Had an emergency call from my mom and we went out to her place for a few hours yesterday. Her computer wasn't able to access the internet and had not been able to for about 6 months, her DVD player wasn't hooked up and she didn't know how, her cell phone voice mail box was full and she couldn't use her camera. Yes my mom, by her own admission, is not technically inclined. She can master any appliance in the kitchen but other electronics just do not resonate.

So my wife showed my mom how to use her phone and to erase the messages from the mail box. Some of those messages were over a year old. I spent about 4 hours getting her computer working again. It turns out the router the DSL plugged into was bad so had to remove it and plug the DSL cable directly into the computer. Also put a good firewall in her computer and got Windows updated as well as the other programs on the computer. I also showed my mom her email box, she thought she was on MSN and maybe she was at one time but she has been with another provider for over a year so got that figured out. We got the DVD player hooked up and she knows how to use it and demonstrated her camera to her. All in all a very productive visit and the traffic home wasn't too bad either.

I had planned to visit a local cemetery to pay respects to the military folks there, but in this case, my mom had to take precedence. Hope and think these men and women would understand and approve.

Two items in the news today:

Wii Brings Good Things to Your Life: Yes I copied the headline from the NY Sun, go read the article. I'm waiting until August to get one of these, it will be my graduation present to myself. If I get it before then, I may not graduate on time because my attention was distracted from school. Hat tip Lucianne.

The 1967 Arab-Israeli 6 day war. Why did it start? Well one new book says it was part of a Soviet plot to justify the Soviet bombing the Israeli nuclear facility like Israel did to Iraq in 1981. There are a few problems I have with this theory, first of all, the authors claim the Mig 25 Foxbat actually flew over the Israeli facility during the six day war. I know Wikipedia isn't authoritative, but it is a good place to start. According to Wikepedia, the Mig 25 first flew in 1964 and didn't enter service until 1970. Given the limited range of the airplane, it seems unlikely the Soviets would send their newest plane to a place where the US would be likely to acquire intelligence about it. The book has an interesting premise, but I think it gives the Soviets too much credit and the Arabs and Israel were only puppets to be manipulated at will.
Hat tip Lucianne.

Have a good day and will see you tomorrow.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend

Went to Best Buy this afternoon to pick up season 4 and 5 of Babylon 5. They were offering them for only $20 each instead of the normal $48 each so grabbed them. Of course can't watch them until after graduation so they will sit in their shrink wrap till August.

As I was checking out, I asked the clerk to put $10 for Fisher House on the bill. Saw in the Sunday add that Best Buy was collecting donations for Fisher House this weekend. Her jaw dropped when I asked her to do that. I guess not too many people in South Bay were making donations. Being Memorial Day Weekend, I thought more people would be willing to donate but maybe not, or not in South Bay or this clerk hadn't seen too many. I would hate to think that 300,000 people here don't care about the troops (covering all branches and ask for pardon if any member from the Marines, Navy or Air Force do not appreciate being called a troop, it is meant as an honorific) or are too busy with their lives to think about what is happening in the world and the work being done by the US, Australian, British, Polish, Japanese, Iraqi, Afghan and other countries serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thank a Veteran and especially remember those who have given their lives for our country.

See you on Tuesday.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Yep, last workday of the week and a 3 day weekend to boot.

Remember those who gave their lives so we can live free this weekend. They paid the highest price doing their duty and deserve to be honored and remembered.

Class was "interesting" last night, watched a movie which I couldn't see the point or the point could have been made in a simple paragraph instead of 90 minutes of stuff. If the scientists really believe what they were saying in the movie, I do pity them because they see nothing after this life which begs the question, why be good if this is all there is? Maybe I'm just too dense to understand the deeper meaning of the movie, but what in the heck did it have to do with Business Negotiations I just don't get.

In the news today:

There has been a Christian community in Iraq since the Church started all those years ago. They have been the special target of the terrorists because they are not Muslim. Hat tip Lucianne.

I do hope these folks have considered all the costs to their decision to be Australia's nuclear waste site. Hat tip Lucianne and Lucianne, the comments are interesting in both posts.

This sounds like a potential Darwin Award. Woman run over by her own SUV. She put it in neutral, set the parking brake and the brake failed, when she tried to get back in the car, fell under the front tires and was run over. The story doesn't say if the engine was running or if the keys were in the ignition. Most newer cars will not allow you to get the keys out of the car unless the car is in PARK. Leaving a car to run into a store is stupid. If a car starts rolling, trying to jump in it is stupid. If she had just followed what was taught in drivers training she would be safe and not being ridiculed on the net. Hat tip Lucianne, and some of the comments are harsh.

Will Al Gore run for President in 2008? Peter Coster of the Herald Sun [Melbourne, AU] says yes, but his sources say no. They say Al is too fat to run and no one that fat could ever be elected president. While Al has put on a few pounds since 2000 (most people do as they get older), he is not nearly as fat as Taft was back in 1912 when he weighed over 300 pounds. We've had fat presidents before and even in this age of television, its not a given that only the pretty face will win (or we will be learning to say President Edwards).

Finally, Victor David Hanson has comments on surviving another month of war.

Sorry for the length of this, lots in the news today. Have a fun and safe weekend and holiday, I'll be doing homework. Remember our fallen heroes.

See you Monday.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

HOA and other fun stuff

My townhouse home owners association held its annual meeting last night. Five of 10 owners bothered to show up and only 7 of 10 bothered to vote for the board of directors. Well, that is better then voting in Los Angeles County. We had to raise the HOA fees another $30 a month per unit. The extra money is needed to pay for the increases in insurance cost, its expensive to insure a building in California, and to put additional money into the reserves. For the past two years we have been putting more money into the reserves, but we are under funded due to bad decisions made by prior board members and management companies. No one likes HOA increases, so prior boards started to cut back on the funding of the reserves, which works in the short term but make it worse in the long run. So now we have to pay more money to add money to the reserves as well as special assessments for the work that needs to be done. It will be an expensive two years due to the scheduled maintenance needed.

Class tonight, have to turn in an outline on the research paper, looking at negotiations. I'll be looking at the Munich Agreement of 1938 and how can/should a person or country negotiate when the other side has already made up its mind. That will be interesting. Also have to read a management book this weekend for my strategy class. No holiday for me, but class is over in 11 weeks.

There is news out there, but go look at or WSJ and you can find all the interesting stories out there.

See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

1000th post

Well, since the boss isn't talking, and I don't mind the echo chamber as much, I'll take the 1000th post position. I know active blogs will reach their 1000th post in weeks, but ours went on a two year hiatus and this has always been more for fun then trying to become "known" as there are already so many GOOD bloggers on all types of subjects.

The business sim for my strategy class has some hard decisions to make over the next two weeks, planning on what to do with the company cash, expand production, buy back stock, pay down bonds, go to Vegas, pay dividends etc. Actually, going to Vegas isn't an option in the sim, unfortunately.

There are six of us on the team for the business sim and its a good team. There are 5 teams in the class and think this is the best team dynamics of the lot. Granted I don't know many of the other people well, two teams are from the Pasadena campus, but I do like our team. And since no one from school knows I blog or knows of this blog site, I'm not worried about anyone reading this or saying this for public consumption only.

Not much news I want to talk about, I am definitely not a hard core political junkie, I get burned out on constant war, politics and news. I still read the paper, but find it hard to get worked up about it like Hugh Hewitt or others. Its not that I don't have lots of opinions on stuff happening like the immigration bill or the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, but I prefer to listen then talk.

Ok, having blathered on, lets get to the news:

Another reason to never allow a group to establish a state with in a state and a major reason if a country allows refugees in to use the melting pot instead of allowing them to remain a distinct group without rights. Lebanon is having more problems with its Palestinian refugees and now its the Palestinians verses the Lebanese Army. Hat tip Lucianne.

What should Bud Selig do when Barry Bonds breaks Hank Aaron's home run record? What should fans of the sport of baseball do? I'm not a fan so it won't make much of an impact to me, but the Boss and another former contributor, who still has posting rights but hasn't posted in years (hint, hint) are BIG fans of the game. Comments at Lucianne have some interesting ideas.

US makes a show of force against Iran. Unless Iran thinks the US will actually launch an attack, why should they care? If the US will not or cannot launch an attack, why should it bother? Demonstrations of military power are only useful if the other side thinks you will use it. I do not believe anyone thinks the US will use military power against Iran unless Iran does something very stupid, like put a nuke bomb for sale on ebay or something like that.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Will the boss grab the next post? It will be a milestone for our blog. This is post 999 so the next person to post will have the 1000th post. Who will write it, will they care and will anyone read it? I don't know, but hope somebody reads this.

Weekend went too fast, as usual. Finished getting my wife's new computer set up for the most part, some specialty software needs to be set up and will call the tech people on that. Got bills paid and part of my homework done. Need to finish that up. 12 weeks and counting.

On to the news:

The federal deficit (that is the current year income - expenses when expenses are higher) has been falling . . . fast. In April 2004, the deficit for that year was $455 billion. Today it is about $146 billion. The budget will be in surplus by the end of President Bush's term if spending is kept on track for the next two years. Meaning, keeping the current rate of spending with increases for inflation. That should be very doable as there are lots of things that can be cut to give money to areas that need more money. The shrinking deficit has happened without a tax increase, which is why we should nix the AMT tax and extend the tax cuts. But if Congress goes nuts with spending and the President doesn't use his Veto pen, the deficit will increase again.

John Pollard's wife is still trying to win the freedom of her husband. The US Ambassador to Israel said the US showed mercy to Pollard by not shooting him when he was caught spying. I agree, spying for a friend or enemy is bad. Israel is an independent country and their interest isn't always the same as the US'. Israel has sold AWAC's technology to China when the US would rather China not have that technology. Israel will not have to fight China, the US could if a war breaks out between Taiwan and China. Another example is the US selling AWAC planes to Saudi Arabia in the 1980s which Israel wasn't happy about. So we are friends and allies but there are differences between us. Anyone who spies for Israel against the US and is caught, should be treated with the same mercies shown to Walker, Wentworth and Aimes. Hat tip Lucianne.

James Allan has some good comments about the UN and its various international bodies. Hat tip Lucianne.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Yes, its Friday, day before the weekend.

Had class last night, first part was slow. We finished introducing ourselves, for a class of 25, it took a total of 3 1/2 hours to go through the roll call. The introduction of name and background was quick. The question on how we define conflict and how we deal with conflict took a long time and basically, each person's view was challenged by the professor because it wasn't comprehensive. By the end of the roll call, people were giving very generalist and therefore meaningless answers so there wasn't an interrogation by the prof. The prof is an attorney and yes he can out argue all of us. If he couldn't, I'd be demanding my money back.

Tonight, meeting with my Strategy Team, also meeting on Sunday afternoon because there isn't any one time everyone could meet so we are meeting twice. Should be fun, just have to do a few final modifications to our planning spreadsheet and make sure all the links are correct and then make lots of copies. It will be very un-pretty if anything happens to that file.

This weekend, between team meetings, have a lot of homework to finish up as well. 11 more weeks and counting.

Ok, enough blather about my life, on to the news.

President Bush is saying the Senate should now ratify the Law Of the Sea Treaty (LOST). This was originally negotiated back in Regan's FIRST term. It was decided then it was a bad idea for the US to agree to it. I do not think anything has changed except for GW Bush trying to curry favor with other countries by signing it. I disagree. Hat tip Lucianne.

Global Warming is caused by the Sun rather then by carbon dioxide so some claim. Hat tip Lucianne.

Should the US get involved in Civil Wars and is Iraq a Civil War? The answer to both depends on who you ask. Jonah Goldburg has some interesting thoughts on the subject.

Finally, over at National Review Online (NRO), they have lots of comments on the new immigration plan. Short version, they DO NOT like it. Actually, Hugh Hewitt doesn't like it either and both are predicting very bad things for the Republican Party if it passes.

Have a good weekend in spite of the news.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Hmmm, making a plea for people to acknowledge the existence of this blog might work better if I wasn't the only one who visited it yesterday. Oh well, so much for trying to get sympathy visits and comments.

Class tonight so it will be a long day. All of my other semesters (I'm in my 6th and last semester), classes officially ended at 10pm but most got out between 9 and 10pm because the professors had covered the material. This semester, classes are still officially 6 to 10, but the professors keep us to 10 or 10:30pm. As I tell my classmates (while ducking) that at least we are getting our moneys worth, they counter that by 9:30 or so most if not all of the class is so brain dead we aren't getting anything out of it. That is true and makes sense. It is very difficult to concentrate 100% for 4 hours, especially after a full day at work. Oh well, enough rambling about school, it will hopefully be over in 12 weeks.

Two columns I found that I'd like to share:

Fred Thompson's on why schools do not teach Military History as a subject and what the consequences for us as a society is.

Mike Adams on how God can use a total screw up (Mike) and transform him into a new person. Also how God does have a sense of humor when it comes to answering prayers.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

HELLO . . . . HEllo . . . . Hello . . . . hello

Is anyone there?

Our newest contributor has taken a leave of absence on his xanga site and from lack of posting, on this site as well. The boss is still MIA and the stats . . . . well the stats show we had two unique visitors on Monday, one was a first time, THANK YOU. On Tuesday we had six visitors THREE were first time, we may actually start building a blog that is read by more then me (and I write most of the posts).

If you haven't left for better writing yet, could I ask a favor (ok, I can ask but hope you will say YES)? Leave a comment, and if your feeling really generous, say where you came from (how you found us), what blog you have, if you have one and what State or Country you live in. Thanks.

Now, on to the daily round up of news I found interesting.

Conservatives can't win. If they try to rule without inclusion of liberals in their government, they are dividers, if they offer to nominate liberals to positions in their government, the people who accept are called traitors to the liberal cause. Good luck to France's new President
Nicolas Sarkozy. Hat tip Lucianne.

Another Blue on Blue incident. Blue on Blue is where in a combat situation you kill people on your own side by mistake. It happens in all wars. In this case, it happened to Hamas. Hamas ambushed a Fatah vehicle, but unknown to Hamas, the vehicle contained 5 of Hamas' men in the back. Bad luck for Hamas. Hat tip Lucianne.

Another WMD attack in Iraq. Another chlorine bomb went off, this is the second chemical bomb attack this year. Hat tip Lucianne.

This is sad that we as a society allow students to treat teachers this way. Hat tip Lucianne.

Finally, an essay about Michael Bloomburg and his possible independent presidential run. Hat tip Lucianne.

Ever get the idea I read Lucianne a lot? A lot of interesting articles posted there.

Thanks for stopping by, please leave a comment and hope to see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday and all is well . . . . sort of

Class last night was ok, very long. Didn't get out until 10pm and then only because the prof saw most of the class getting a glazed look in their eyes. We still didn't cover the last subject so that has been pushed back to next week. In a way that is too bad because forecasting is pretty important for the SIM and getting better tools for forecasting would always be helpful.

We also ran the first quarter of the SIM, we made money (which is always a good thing) and it is interesting to see how our team did verses the other teams. We can only see some of the data from the other teams (similar to annual reports in real companies) but everyone seems to be very cautious at the moment, no one wants to expand too fast or do any bet the farm scenarios.

Ok, enough about my school work.

Last week in Las Vegas a hotel worker was killed and his girlfriend was wounded when a bomb that was placed on his car exploded when he tried to remove it. The bomb was in a backpack sitting on the roof of the car and the worker was moving the backpack from his car so he could leave after his shift. Well, it turns out the person who planted the bomb was the former boyfriend of the girl and he didn't like the fact she was going out with the victim. Hat tip Lucianne.

Finally, Hugh Hewitt has some interesting comments on the volcano at Yellowstone park. If it went boom like it did 630,000 years ago, most of the country West of the Mississippi River would be destroyed. I've also posted a very interesting graphic of what the ash cloud fallout would be like from such an eruption. In 1815, Krakatoa exploded in Indonesia and it was the year without a summer. If Yellowstone blows like it did before, it will be the decade without a summer.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Weekend & Monday Roundup

I took Friday off because I've accrued the max vacation time and if I didn't use 8 hours by the end of the month, would lose the June accrual. So even with a 3 day weekend, didn't get everything done and it went way to fast. Oh well, guess that is the way it goes.

Saw two things in the news this morning that caught my attention. Yes, with the fires on Catalina and Griffith Park, there is a lot of news out there, but these caught my attention.

Michael Yon has another informative dispatch from Iraq. He is pro-Iraq Freedom, but not a cheerleader. I highly recommend his work, even if he says things I don't like. He is honest. Hat tip Hugh Hewitt.

The other is something that is applicable for High School, College, Grad School and working stiff folks. How to become a millionaire. Its real simple. Live within your means (which means you may not always have the latest and greatest), Spend less then you make, save money and invest wisely. Going to Las Vegas is NOT an investment strategy. Hat tip Hugh Hewitt.

Have a good week and keep smiling, it makes them wonder what you have been up do.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thursday Fun

This is for the boss, next time he visits . . . .

BASEBALL, and I'm not a baseball fan.

Blue Jays Center Fielder Vernon Wells was being heckled by some Indians fans at a game. He game them a ball with some words, check out the pictures and it is work safe. Wells' showed class and that he can dish it out as well as he can receive it. Hat hip Hugh Hewitt.

Gun control. This is how gun control should be practiced in the US. Well done Hugo Villalta, stay safe and thank you for making Miami a safer place. Hat tip Lucianne.

Have these idiots heard about a thing called reading or the web? A local ABC news station has a story about Americans who joined the Army, National Guard or Marines and then decided they didn't like it and deserted and headed to Canada. As one bright spark said "I joined the National Guard thinking it was a humanitarian organization." Yes, the National Guard does help out when disasters strike, but the first thing they do is send you to basic for ARMY training. And in the 1990s the National Guard was sent to the Balkans for peace keeping duties which not everyone returned. We don't have a draft in this country and ANYONE who joins a military organization and later claims they didn't understand what that meant is an IDIOT. I'd say let Canada keep them but I'm not sure they would want our trash. Hat tip Lucianne.

Finally, Home Owner Associations, or HOA's. I live in a townhouse and we have an HOA. I am so glad the officers in the HOA have common sense, unlike these folks in Florida. Now each member of the association is being billed an extra $150 to pay for a legal settlement because the HOA thought it had to fight a battle it should have settled quickly and quietly. HOA's are not a bad thing, but some officers think it gives them the right and power to order others how to live.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tuesday Roundup

Second week of the semester and the avalanche is here. Lot of work coming up. Oh well, keep reminding myself, 13 weeks till freedom and NOT to give into the temptation of senior-itous.

NATO still has its original purpose, keeping Europe free from Russia domination?

It says something about post-communist Russia that two nations that once felt safe enough to avoid NATO membership during the Cold War no longer feel safe from today's Russia.

It won't be long before Patrick Moore will be issuing an apology. Well, he might get away with it since he is 84 and lives in the UK. If a yank said this in the US, the fur would be flying. What was the offending comment?
The BBC is being ruined by women

With Europe moving towards the right, will the US move to the left? E. J. Dionne Jr sure seems to be hoping so. Hap Tip Lucianne

Finally, James Lileks' employer is making changes and Hugh Hewitt is NOT happy. Actually, I kind of agree the management seems to be making a foolish decision and not using the assets they have effectively.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Happy V-E Day

Today 52 years ago, Germany surrendered and thus ending World War 2 in Europe. General Eisenhower proclaimed May 8 as VE day, Victory in Europe, but wanted to say something today.

The war continued for another four bloody months in the Pacific.

This isn't a day to celebrate, rather a day to reflect on the price paid to rid the world of a great evil. We didn't rid the world of evil, only of its servants. Today, Germany is at peace with the Europe and North America and is a democracy. While I may not certain actions or policies of the German government, I have no fear that the US will be called upon to fight Germany ever again. May 7th ended war between countries in Europe for the first time. Civil wars still rage, but even the disintegration of Yugoslavia didn't threaten to spark World War 3 unlike a century ago when instability in the Balkans did start World War 1.

Friday, May 04, 2007

We win, they lose

Yes, it is an Internet petition, but its a legit one and will be delivered to Congress.

I urge every visitor (all 2 of you on a good day) to go and sign the petition.

Hat tip Hugh Hewitt.

Friday Roundup

Only two stories today, then have another entry I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want the 2 visitors who come by occasionally to read.

Ok, on to the news:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is suffering from foot in mouth disease. Its a good thing to only make a threat if you are willing and able to carry it out. Otherwise you look like a fool who can be ignored. Hat tip Lucianne.

John Bolton has seen the errors of his ways and pledges his whole hearted support for Congress' plan to end the Iraq Occupation. Just kidding, he did have some interesting things to say as he accepted the 2007 Bradley Prize at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. Read the article.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thursday Roundup

Well, have class tonight and not much else going on. Here are some interesting stories.

Philip Workman is in prison in Tennessee and will be put to death for the death of a policeman who was killed in a robbery. Workman admits to the robbery but not the murder, saying someone else did it. Now he is trying to get a last minute stay of execution because he says the way Tennessee executes its criminals is painful. Tennessee allows the condemned to choose between lethal injection and the electric chair. The State has had a moratorium on executions for the last 90 days to insure the lethal injection procedures do not violate the 8th amendment. Workman says nothing has changed.

I don't know if lethal injection is painful or not, so lets scrap it and the electric chair and bring back the guillotine and have the condemned placed on it face up. Its quick and should be painless, and they can feel the fear their victims felt when they knew they were going to die, for a few minutes anyway. Hat tip Lucianne.

The sky is falling #1
Honeybees are dying off in large numbers and scientists are not sure why. The AP article sounds like we are going to have massive famine because of it. There have been a number of other articles in the news about it over the last week and while serious, its not time to stockpile food. Well in my opinion anyway. Some of the comments at Lucianne (hat tip) are interesting.

The sky is falling #2
If death by starvation in the US isn't bad enough, now we have a new pandemic to worry about. Moscow (Russia, not Idaho) reports a new strain of TB. While serious, the article implies we may have the next black death on our hands, which I have a hard time believing.

Have a good day and don't let the sky fall on you.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Wednesday Roundup

Its been a while since I did one of these and it might attract an extra visitor so why not.

St. Lucia, a small nation in the Caribbean had diplomatic relations with China (PRC) and recognized there was another country called Taiwan next door to China and established relations with them. Now the PRC is denouncing St. Lucia for interfering in China's internal affairs. If this was the 19th century, China would send its armed forces to correct St. Lucia's attitude. St. Lucia can be grateful they live far away and only have to face China's diplomatic wrath.
Hat tip Lucianne.

Steel can melt? Did anybody get Rosie's approval? Hat tip Lucianne.

Another reason to avoid fads when dealing with the environment. The State of Florida gets to clean up 2 million tires that were dumped at sea to form an artificial reef back in the 1970s which didn't work. Hat tip Lucianne.

Is this 2007 or 1939? No, I'm not talking about WW2 but rather how Russia is dealing with countries that displease it. The Swedish Ambassador in Russia visited the Estonia embassy and was assaulted by a "nationalist" mob. Mobs don't form in Russia, or even in the US, without some planning. Someone has to know the event is taking place to get the people there in time. Since Russia is annoyed with Estonia and the Swedish Ambassador visited the Estonia Embassy in Moscow, Sweden has incurred the wrath of Russia. Russia, please don't go there.
Hat tip Lucianne.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

14 Weeks and counting

Yeah, posts have been slow lately. Spring break can do that to a person.

Well, now school has started again, first class was last night and it looks like its going to be a LOT of work. Weekly quizzes, two presentations, final, simulation, case study and book evaluation. Oh, and to get an A have to get a 94 or more out of 100.

Other class is Thursday night and need to keep reminding myself only 108 class hours until freedom, or 14 weeks of classes.

Not much in the news is happening or rather nothing out of the ordinary and nothing to say about stuff anyway.

Hope to see you tomorrow.