Thursday, June 19, 2003

The Danger of Academic Freedom

Volokh Conspiracy reports a bruhaha over academic freedom with an ironic twist. It appears that the University of Adelaide's employment of a pro-gun professor who favors handgun proliferation is providing the impetus for a gun control group to call for the University's termination:

You probably have heard enough - so for the sake of public safety in Australia, let's insist that the Adelaide University relocates to Alaska or, maybe Alabama. One thing is for sure, the University is becoming a curse to Australia.

Putting aside the issues of gun control for a moment, which are considerable, taking such a stance means that the only academic speech allowed is that speech deemed to be non-violent and within the public's interests. Let's also put aside the issues of determining what is within the public's interests, which are considerable. Such a stance creates a problem for those who disagree with the University of Southern Florida's firing of Sami Al-Arian, who is under a 50 count indictment for terrorism. If the firing of a man who advocates death to Israel is not protecting the public safety, what is?

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