Thursday, September 18, 2003

Maybe We Should Have Just Sent Saddam to His Room

James Lileks wrote a decent bleat for today, decent in that it becomes interesting as he compares statecraft with parenthood. . .in fact, it evolves into a pretty long ranting about the Democratic carping over Iraq. In any event, Lileks compares today's situation with the situation in 1998, where Clinton bombed Iraq in Operation Desert Fox. As he draws his comparisons, the columnist defines hypocrisy for us:

I’ve read enough editorials from various papers from this period to reinforce something I’ve long suspected: the reason many editorialists hate this war is because they don’t feel it’s theirs.

If Clinton had risen to the occasion, wiped out al-Qaeda, sent Marines to kick down the statues and put bullets in those filthy sons’ brainpans, this would be the most noble effort of our time. We would hear clear echoes of JFK’s call to bear any burden. FDR, Truman, Marshall Plan, forbearance, patience - the editorial pages of the land would absolutely brim with encouragement and optimism every damn day, because the good fight was being waged, and the right people were waging it.

True. Politics in America is turned from the rational discourse of nation governing to a mutated and petty struggle for power where one party will oppose another at any cost, even to the detriment of a nation. I would agree to say that both parties are guilty of such practice, but right now, the Dems lead the way--not simply because they're doing it now, but because they are screwing around with the survival of this nation. It's not money or some pork barrel program, but lives that will be lost one day when Osama and his boys sail a nuclear cabable cargo container into the San Francisco harbor. I leave you with this:

The same people who accuse America of coddling dictators are sputtering with bilious fury because we actually deposed one.

<sarcasm>How DARE we.</sarcasm>

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