Tuesday, March 23, 2004


Yesterday we all heard the news that Israel was successful in terminating Ahmed Yassin, the spiritual leader of that peace loving organization called Hamas. The papers and lots of political folks in Europe and the US have said that killing Yassin was bad news and would only inflame the hatred of the Palestinian people against Israel.

Bret Stephens at OpionionJournal.com has a different take on the issue. He is of the opinion that Israel is enhancing its security by targeting the leaders of the terrorist organizations. Without the leadership, the foot soldiers are not effective. Stephens also points out that the Palestinians who are sent to be suicide bombers are not the elite of society, but rather the cast offs. For example, you don't see the children of the Hamas or other terrorist organizations volunteering for these missions. Arafat has children but he has not offered them to the cause either.

My personal opinion is Israel should print up and distribute a list of every person in leadership of the terrorist organizations and the Palestinian Authority. The next suicide bomber that is launched (whether they are successful or not) will mean the first person on the list will terminated. The next bomber will mean the second person on the list is now subject to termination (read that as they will be killed as soon as possible) and so on and so on. The leaders in the PA and the terrorist organizations are responsible for the attacks so they are legitimate targets for retaliation. If the leaders then hide behind women and children to protect themselves, Israel should go after their families, after what type of man would hide behind women and children and let his family pay for his crimes? A coward, that is who.

The terrorists think blowing up civilians is legitimate because all Israeli men and most if not all women must serve in the army so they are potential soldiers. Israel can use the same logic and that it has not done so only shows the restraint Israel has shown over the years. Just think if the US was facing such attacks on a daily basis. Would the US be willing to fight as hard as possible? Waco and Ruby Ridge would seem to indicate yes our government would.

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