Tuesday Roundup
I was taking care of my continuing education requirements for my CPA license yesterday so wasn't able to post anything.
Just a few things of interest today, Tuesday.
The main "problem" I have with space exploration is the time it takes to find out anything. This probe to Pluto sounds interesting but if they launch it in 2006, it won't be in the news again until 2016. Oh well guess it will help me to learn patience. From Space.com
When the National Research Council recommended Solar System exploration goals for 2000-2010, the number one priority was sending a probe to explore Pluto and an area just beyond it known as the Kuiper Belt.Common Sense in a courtroom. A Florida Judge ruled that Ford does not have to sell cars to a police agency that is suing them for defective cars. Why a police agency would want to buy something from the company they are suing for defective products is a mystery to me. I'm glad that Ford can decide who they are going to do business with.
NASA plans to make that goal a reality.
Dan Rather may not have to resign or apologize for airing a story trying to influence an election with forged documents (instead of saying CBS was duped), however, if his ratings keep going down, CBS will allow him to retire right away to stop the bleeding. After all, the news divisions are profit centers (or were for CBS) and if the views leave, so will the advertisers.
Finally, Kerry seems to know a lot about what George W. Bush will do next year if he is re-elected as well as a few items to insure he will be re-elected. So far Kerry says Bush has a secret plan to:
1. Bring back the Draft
2. Expand the war
3. Suppress Blacks from voting (in the November election)
4. Voter fraud in Florida to insure Bush wins the State (in the November election)
If Kerry had any evidence, wouldn't it be a good idea to show the rest of us so we could see how evil Bush is? But if Kerry is just making all this up, maybe he needs his medication changed so he can live in the real world and not the dream world he is currently residing in.
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