Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Americans "Shocked" at Chinese Oppression

Several foreign visitors to China voiced their opinions in Tiananmen Square: the expected "Free Tibet", government-mandated abortion, religious oppression, and the Tiananmen massacre. I commend these souls on their bravery. The Chinese government, of course, moved in and in an understandable show of restraint (given the media scrutiny), only showed the unruly visitors the square's exit after the usual "show-me-your-papers" song and dance.
...plainclothes security agents and police officers tried to block the banner with umbrellas and started shoving the group when they tried to walk around the square. The agents eventually pushed them out of the area and made them sit nearby for almost an hour, checking their passports, before letting them go...

The protesters reaction? Bordering on naive.
"It's so shocking being an American ... to see the blatant oppression," [one of the protesters] said.

It bears saying again. What part of oppressive government did we not understand? The leopard does not change its spots, even if the leopard (or, if you prefer, dragon or panda) is dancing for your enjoyment at the moment.

Freedom to speak is a great thing, let us; however, NOT fall into an ethno-centric trap and assume everybody else in the world enjoys the same things. Shocking, yes. Surprising...not so much.

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