Tuesday, January 06, 2004

This from the LA Times?????

I normally don't read the LA Times, in fact, if the story is listed in the LA Times and another paper, I'll link to the other paper so they get this hits instead of the LAT.

But this is an LAT story and its amazing in its content.

Arnold and the largest Teachers Union are talking about cutting $2 billion from the FY 2005 budget which starts July 2004. A public employee union is agreeing to cut spending and is talking with the Governor about how to implement it.

Now of course, there is more to the story then that. Arnold has said Prop 98 (which requires 40% of Cal General Fund to be spent on K-12 and Community Colleges) may need to be suspended to deal with the budget crisis and that has the teachers scared. Also, the cuts are temporary and will be restored in the following year so it is a short term fix.

But still to have the LA Times write a story like this and not be condemning the teachers union for talking about cutting spending and likewise not calling for new and higher taxes is amazing.

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