Monday, April 09, 2007

36 hours and counting

Yep, 36 hours until the current semester of school is finished for good or ill for me (last class is Tuesday night), then will get a week and a half off and then start the final semester and then FREEDOM!!!!!!!

But before then have a few things that popped up of interest, and no they are not my final projects so you don't have to go run screaming into the street trying to avoid them (although some VC's have expressed interest in our business plan).

From Newsweek, yes Newsweek, a story on Global Warming and how Al Gore and his ilk are being chicken little. Amazing considering the source of the story. Hat tip Lucianne.

Australian Muslims are (surprise, surprise) NOT a monolithic group and not all support Taj Din al-Hilali's comments. I'm glad to see this and hope more folks will denounce the fool and make it publicly clear Taj Din al-Hilali does not speak for them. Hat tip Lucianne.

Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Syria is almost certainly a violation of the Logan Act. This act forbids anyone who is not expressly authorized by the President from conducting foreign affairs. I seriously doubt Pelosi was authorized by President Bush to speak on behalf of the US government. Andrew C. McCarthy thinks it should lead to a debate, one the President will win instead of pursuing the legal action which the government could lose.

Eli Lehrer thinks we need MORE federal regulation, and could be right. Its definitely worth a debate.

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