Monday, August 04, 2003

James Woods: Just Don't Lump Him With Arnie

Hilarious read, there actually are some thinking people in Hollyweird. James Woods opens himself up for attack to pump up Northfork by taking on an A&E reporter from (You have to pass through's advertising before accessing the article, but it's pretty painless.) WARNING: Woods is pretty explicit as well as profane, so peruse at your own risk.

The card carrying member of the Democratic party comments on the WMD questions raised against the CIA and the administration:

It's like playing golf. Even Tiger Woods gets a triple bogey but still goes on to win the U.S. Open. . .the more relevant question is when millions of people are suffering and millions are being murdered, do we as a nation have a moral obligation?

On the Dixie Chicks:

I find it unfortunate that celebrities have a bully pulpit by virtue of their celebrity and I would caution people to check the credentials of those who speak and make sure that they have the education, the knowledge, the experience and the intelligence to say what they say, given that it's said in the context of a bully pulpit of celebrity.

On middle America:

You'd be surprised how smart Americans are when they're not quacking the party line like little ducks. It's really amazing ...

Pretty much sums up what a lot of people think.

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