Friday, August 01, 2003

More on the Anti-Abortion Majority

Good article over at the Weekly Standard summarizing the report, "Progress and Perils: A New Agenda for Women", a study on abortion attitudes in America among women.

After a discussion of the demographics for the study, the article moves on to pop some common myths. Gist of the article is that middle American women are set more against abortion in its current form than initally believed. 51 percent want abortion banned except for the usual exemptions (rape, incest, life) and another 17 percent want a tightening on restrictions.

At a time when pro-choice feminists repeatedly invoke the magical three-word phrase "right-wing extremist" to describe President Bush's judicial nominees, the study's results are alarming indeed.

In addition, it would seem that women actually are more concerned about quality of life than the abortion debate. <SARCASM>Funny that.</SARCASM> Current events have dictated what is important not only to women, but to all.

"Goodbye, Soccer Mom. Hello, Security Mom," Time magazine said on June 2, in an influential cover story that's been echoed in many other campaign stories. One California woman who "used to choose the candidates who were most liberal on abortion and welfare" told the magazine: "Since 9/11, all I want in a president is a person who is strong."

Fascinating. The liberals are trying to fight familar old battles, but it's the conservatives who are fighting the real war. I think that America gets that.

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