Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Moveon.org is soliciting foreign money???

I normally don't read the Drudge Report and would not link to it, but this is a very disturbing story. Non US citizens (and non domestic corporations) are not allowed to contribute to candidates running for office in the US. The reason is simple, we (US citizens) don’t want other countries to have a say over who we elect. Every other country has the same rule. Or at least I don’t know of any country that allows foreigners to donate to domestic elections.

In the past, where the US has been caught trying to give money to a political party in another country, the US has reaped a huge public outcry and anti-Americanism increases. As it should. The US government should not be trying to buy elections in other countries and other countries should not be trying to buy or influence elections here.

It seems Moveon.org is soliciting folks in Canada and Europe to give money to Moveon.org since they can’t give money to Dean or Clark and Moveon.org will use the money to do its part to defeat Bush in next years election.

It will be interesting to see if any other media outlet can confirm and build on this story. Drudge is not always 100% reliable so I take this story with a grain of salt, but if true, I hope some people get to wear bright orange (prison clothes) for a long time.

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