Tuesday, December 23, 2003

OK, I Lied II

Here is a great article on three fronts: 1) It discusses the current trend to de-Christmas December, 2) It discusses our power as a consumer to not frequent those businesses that support ideas that we find distastful or even "vicious" and 3) it discusses reverse sexual discrimination. Great stuff, key grafs from Wendy McElroy.

On the yanking of the Reagons mini-series (ed: i.e., hatchet job) after consumers threatened boycott of advertisers:

The left screamed "CENSORSHIP!" but the opposite was true. Censorship is the suppression of words or images through force, usually by law. The threatened "boycott" was nothing more than consumers exercising the freedom of speech to say "no" to a product and to the people peddling it. It was discretionary spending in the free market of ideas.

On t-shirts that sport slogans such as "--Boys are Stupid -- Throw Rocks at Them", "--Boys Lie -- Poke Them in the Eye" and "--Boys are Full of It -- Fling Poop at Them". McElroy sees:

the gender feminist attack on men that causes us to take for granted or even smile at the widespread defamation of males. . .Hate mongering is a lucrative business and the best remedy is to yank away the financial incentive.

Good stuff.

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