Friday, January 05, 2007

Its Friday!!!

Today is Friday and the weekend will soon be upon us.

Ok, for those of us who are in school, it means more studying time. For those of us who are working, it means time to relax and get caught up on personal things. For those of us who are working full time and going to school full time (me, the boss is almost full time in school but makes up for it by having 3 young kids) it means "just another day in paradise" (if you don't get the song reference, your too young to remember Phil Collins). The weekend will be a time to catch up on homework and get bills paid etc so can survive another week.

Two news stories of interest.

Before I go into them, I need to apologize for not hat tipping the other blogs that provided leads to some of the stories I posted on this week. I will be going back to fix some of them but will promise to give proper credit from here on to other blogs I've read and got links from. I've been out of blogging for a while.

Ok, now with the confession done, back to the stories.

Thomas Lifson over at American Thinker has a very disturbing story about the Minn Airport. If a passenger has a seeing eye dog, they may have a difficult time getting a taxi ride. 3/4 of the taxi drivers are Somalians. In Islam, the dog is not a clean animal. So, they do not want to give rides to anyone who has a dog because they don't want to defile their cars with an unclean animal.

If the drivers had a no animal policy, they could and should be able to say no to animals. However, seeing eye dogs are not considered animals but rather an extension of the person. This is why they are allowed in stores, restaurants and other places where animals are not normally allowed. For the taxi drivers to say they will not carry a passenger who has a seeing eye dog because of their religion, should have their airport license or permit taken away. They can still drive a taxi, just not work the airport run. If this is allowed, what about other violations of Islam? Will the taxi drivers be able to refuse those who have alcohol (the taxi drivers have already tried that), what about a female who is traveling alone? what about a homosexual?

If we allow a government monopoly to grant permits to those who discriminate, the government monopoly should be abolished. The Minn Airport Authority should allow any taxi driver, and not just those who pay for the permits to be allowed to pick up passengers at the airport and those who refuse to take a passenger for religious reasons should be forced to go to the back of the line of taxi's.

(hat tip Lucianne)

Story Two (yes a long post, will anyone read it, not likely but oh well)

Super Soldiers: Tomorrow's 'Army of One' Technology by Charles Choi

Its about the new weapons and equipment being tested by the Army and how it will effect the battlefield in the future. Wow.

I hope it makes the US (our) soldiers so good that it will not ever be close to a fair fight. In combat, a fair fight means you didn't plan your battle correctly. To the soldier (so I've read, never have been one myself), a "fair fight" means all the bad guys or enemy are dead, wounded and no longer a threat or captured and all your guys are unhurt and able to go home.

(hat tip Lucianne)

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