Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Where the money is going

Two more items from Strategy Page (yes they wrote the news and I'm relying it and linking to it).

Future Combat System 1.1

They have tested sending images from a UAV to an AH-64 that was 75 km away. The battlefield internet is starting to come into being. It will be interesting to see how the troops can utilize the information and if the leaders will devise a way to prevent information overload. If too much information flows in, people will be so busy looking at the data, they won't have time to fight and then will taking casualties they should have.


What is the real direction the Army is taking in regards to the Future Combat System or any of the other new wiz bang weapons that have been in the press? Well, while statements from Army leaders is important and looking at how the Army is spending its R/D is important, the best indicator is what the Army is spending to buy for its troops.

The bulk of the money is NOT being spent on helicopters or UAVs or on ammunition or missiles, but on the more mundane things like radios, truck and armored vehicles.

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