Thursday, June 17, 2004

Allah Is In The House, For Now

Allah is back, for a bit at least. It appears that he and quite a few others are noticing Andrew Sullivan's recent waving on the Bush candidacy--especially concerning Sullivan's interview in the Advocate, a magazine aimed at the gay community. A controversy is arising in that Sullivann pretty much says that he's a Kerry man in the interview, but still maintains that he's still deciding on his very popular blog. The bone of contention is that Sullivan is waiting ona formal announcement on the blog in order to acheive maximum effect for the upcoming election. Allah summarizes the arguments and then provides the following quote from Rodger L. Simon, worth repeating here:

I'm backing Bush consistently for just one reason... even though I am WAY to the left of Andrew on many issues, maybe even including Gay Rights... which has never been even remotely refuted for me -- If John Kerry is elected in November, it will be interpreted by the world as such a great repudiation of the WoT it will make the electoral defeat in Spain seem like a student council election in Iowa. If Andrew Sullivan and others are prepared for the results of that, so be it. I'm not.

It appears that the "deal breaker" issue, the Federal Marriage Admendment (FMA), was too much for Sullivan. I suppose, then in the end, the War on Terror is NOT the top priority now, rather, the top priority is winning the cultural war being waged over homosexuality. It would also appear that, according to Sullivan, the war isn't against Islamofacistism, but against conservative Christiandom.


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