Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Day after the holiday

Hope you all had a good holiday yesterday. Unfortunately, I had to work for part of the day due to Tuesday deadlines. Others in my company had to work the full day so can't complain too much.

To Rob's post: You don't get a hand out because your a responsible adult when it comes to borrowing money. I don't get a hand out either. Although we saw a nice 5 bedroom house on Saturday for only $895K which we can't afford so if we took out a loan might qualify for help because we were foolish.

In the News:

UNICEF dug wells in Bangladesh so people would have clean drinking water. They didn't test the wells and it turned out hundreds of them had high levels of poisons (natural, not man made or deposited) and is killing the people there.

Iowa is looking to give prisoners email access on a restricted basis. What is this? Criminals are not known for obeying the rules so what will prevent the bad guys from finding the holes in the system to have unmonitored access to the outside? Also if the Iowa prison system has so much money, shouldn't they return it to the State for use elsewhere? Hat tip and good comments at Lucianne.

Jonah Goldberg looks at the Media's response to hurricane Katrina.

Myths and their effects on public policy.

And now some articles on or about Iraq

Britain retreats from Iraq as they abandon their last base at Basra. Comments and hat tip Lucianne.

This wars Gettysburg moment.

President Bush goes to Iraq, one papers perspective.

General Abrams and the Vietnam Iraq comparison.

Have a good day.

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