Tuesday, September 18, 2007

TMQ on Football and...Fuel Economy

I like reading Gregg Easterbrook, aka TMQ. Where else can you see a guy riff on the woes of the NFL and then segue into EPA mileage and Election 2008? Interesting to see that President Bush and Barack Obama agree on mandating an increase of MPG standards of automobiles by one third. They agree. What is interesting is that, here, Detroit automakers and the Dems share a common goal: resistance to the mileage standard increase.

Sure, Detroit resists the need to improve their designs, but the Dems seem to have designs on improving their Election 2008 chances. By stonewalling now, they may be able attempting to claim the moral high ground come 2008 through pointing out how the Administration and Republicans did nothing to improve mileage. As Easterbrook says,
"Wouldn't it be nice if Detroit CEOs [and Democrats] acted as though they cared about national security!"

I agree.

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