Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Illegal Immigration

How to fix it?

  1. Well, building a wall is a good idea because it will slow down future illegal immigration. It doesn't have to be perfect to be effective, but just make it harder for people to enter this country illegally.
  2. Enforce the current laws, that only people who are in the US legally can work and hold employers accountable for it. The US Government now has E-Verify, which the employer takes the applicants name, date of birth and SSN, enters it into a web page and gets an answer if the SSN is valid or not. If not valid, then the employer tells the applicant to go to the SSA and get it fixed. Notice I did not say call the police.
  3. Most illegal's in this country are economic immigrants so make it harder for them to get jobs, they will move to where they can, or return home. Its working in Arizona right now.
This will not end illegal immigration, but it will reduce the number that will come each year and will also reduce the number here as many will go home because they can not find work here.

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