Monday, February 25, 2008


Last night my wife asked me why the Democrats have superdelegates. I couldn't really giver her an answer, because it made no sense why they have them.

Well today, Geraldine Ferraro wrote a nice op-ed in the NY Times explaining why the Democrats have superdelegates.

Its so the leaders of the party can set the rules and tell the little people what they should be doing. Go read the article and see for yourselves, it was so the elected members of Congress and others can set policy, platform and decide nominations when two or more candidates have a similar number of delegates. This is supposed to help prevent infighting in the Party so it will have a better chance in the general elections. Basically, its the smoke filled rooms, but the party bosses are the members of Congress, Governors and former presidents and vice presidents.

It would be nice to see the Democratic Convention be as exciting as the 1860 convention was in Charleston SC.

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