Monday, February 11, 2008

No Training for You!

Nothing exciting today, just the usual disrespect of the US Marines by the government they protect. It seems to be in vogue as of late with the mayor of Toledo deciding to bar a reserve unit, A Co, 1/24th from conducting "urban patrol exercises" in downtown Toledo as well as using a vacant building there. The police knew, but apparently the mayor did not who then promptly threw the Marines out on their ear in a hissy fit.
"The mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people," said Brian Schwartz, the mayor's spokesman.

"He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area."

This despite the fact these activities have been performed in years past and announced by local media. According to the Mayor (who apparently acted unilaterally), that's too bad, even in the face of one Iraq vet's experiences:
Lance Cpl. Brandon Bukrey-McCarty, 22, recalled taking part in the company's 2006 urban patrol exercise in downtown Toledo.

He said he learned skills during that exercise that proved useful during the unit's deployment to Fallujah, Iraq, in 2006-2007.

"It was extremely helpful," Corporal Bukrey-McCarty said.

The training "got me used to looking up on rooftops, looking around every alley, every open door."

Good thing he's hearing about it. Citizen Brian Thompson summarizes (emphasis mine):
"My perception now is that Carty feels it is OK for Marines to die in Iraq, but just don't come to Toledo," said the 13-year Marine Corps veteran. "The better trained the men and women are, the better chances that they'll come home alive."

To wit, the mayor has an axe to grind against this nation's foreign policy, perhaps even motivated by partisan politics (Finkbeiner is a Dem). Tragically, Mayor Finkbeiner is far too willing to sacrifice readiness for a political statement, a statement that will be paid not by him, but by the blood of the reservists.

Simply unacceptable.

(hat tip: Blackfive who has the scoop from the Instapundit)

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