Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Caution! Liberal Media Ahead

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (ha!) runs smack on Congressman George Nethercutt, misquoting the representative of Wasington State and refusing his requests for a correction. The original quote concerned the story in Iraq and his accusations that the media is distorting the picture:

"So the story is better than we might be led to believe – I'm – just – indicting the news people – but it's a bigger and better and more important story than losing a couple of soldiers every day which, which, heaven forbid, is awful."

The P-I's version:

"It's a better and more important story than losing a couple of soldiers every day," the would-be senator gaffed at a gathering Monday. The family of Pfc. Kerry Scott of Concrete, who buried their young hero Tuesday, likely would not share Nethercutt's news judgment."

And then Marueen Dowd smells blood and piles on:

"On Monday, Representative George Nethercutt Jr., a Republican from Washington State who visited Iraq, chimed in to help the White House: 'The story of what we've done in the postwar period is remarkable. It is a better and more important story than losing a couple of soldiers every day.' The congressman puts the casual back in casualty."

Jeeze I despise the media sometimes. We need open and fair reporting, we don't need attempts to guide the public as if on a nose ring. A misinformed public is more dangerous than an ignorant public.

The Shark Blog caught this (Sharkansky keeps abreast of the P-I) and Sullivan has the goods in today's Daily Dish.

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