Friday, October 31, 2003

Freedom Mail

An email to Andrew Sullivan from a soldier in the Third Army, whose wife serves at Walter Reed. Excerpt:

"I pray every day that [my children] understand that what their Mother and I do for work is not just a hardship on them, but a way to protect them, and others, for many years to come. . .I've lived in Saudi Arabia, and I've seen what Islamic fundamentalism can do to personal freedom. I will gladly fight to keep that away from my children. And I will work to keep those who think like the writers to the Democratic Underground out of power. My promise on that is as good as my 20 year promise to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I will never forget."

Some say that the great generation that defeated Hitler and rebuilt America from the ashes of the Depression is disappearing into history. I say that we are only beginning to see another great generation rise from the ashes of the WTC.

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