Friday, October 24, 2003

Doing the Right Thing Can Be Costly

Being the Pastor at a new church plant can be a challenge. The church plant is dependent on the mother church for financial and other support while it is set up and reaches out to the community the plant is ministering too.

But what happens when the daughter church feels it has to break from the mother church due to theological differences? Suddenly a new church which isn't ready to run on its own has too.

This happened in Canada this week and is another indication the Church is going to have to make some hard choices.

As the on line Canadian paper, The National Post says:

"An Anglican priest has had his pay cut off and his church has been recommended for "termination" after his parishioners voted to defy their bishop by refusing to support blessings for same-sex unions."

So what are we to do if our leaders take the Church in a direction that is unbiblical?

Stay and compromise?
Leave for a new Church (assuming this is an option)
Make a stand and face the consequences?

I think Rev. James Wagner took the correct course of action even if it means he is not being paid at the moment. The flock he is leading will have to decide if they are willing to support him, even at a higher cost to themselves. And the rest of the believing Church needs to think about helping out where WE can as well.

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