Monday, August 09, 2004

Around the Web

Slow day today. Monday Blues. So, without further ado, the stuff I've found interesting this morning.

Over at the Indepundit, Citizen Smash recounts his recent activities in providing a counterpoint to a radical left protest:

[Smash:] “Hey, they present their message, we present ours, and the public decides – that’s democracy.”

“Democracy?” [the protester] sounds upset. “You’re trying to suppress speech – that’s fascism!”

“Nonsense – we all have freedom of speech in this country. There’s a free marketplace of ideas.”

“You mean, like competition?” He replies, derisively.

“Exactly. And if the people keep buying our ideas instead of yours, maybe it’s time for you to try out some new ones.”

LaShawn Barber summarizes the Kerry-Swift boat bruhaha ("Kerry should be a man and clear up the whole thing"), but Roger L. Simon thinks that Kerry can be impeached for lying about Kerry's involvement in Cambodia, if the senator did, indeed, lie. (tip of the coolie hat to Allah)

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