Thursday, August 12, 2004

Kerry's Campaign Can't Read a Map?

Or is it just spin? The quote in question:

On the Senate floor on March 27, 1986 (Congressional Record, page 6422), Sen. Kerry said:
I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what is was like to be shot at by Vietnamese and Khme Rouge and Cambodians, and have the President of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; The troops were not in Cambodia…I have that memory which is seared--seared--in me....

Glenn Reynolds summarizes the recent flap over Kerry's claim, a claim that is refuted by the Swift Boat Vets for Truth in several different ways.

Kerry later retracts, but did we hear about it?

. . .on Fox News' "Fox and Friends," Kerry Campaign Advisor Jeh Johnson had this to say to the show's co-host Brian Kilmeade:

JOHNSON: John Kerry has said on the record that he had a mistaken recollection earlier. He talked about a combat situation on Christmas Eve 1968 which at one point he said occurred in Cambodia. He has since corrected the recorded to say it was some place on a river near Cambodia and he is certain that at some point subsequent to that he was in Cambodia. My understanding is that he is not certain about that date.

KILMEADE: I think the term was he had a searing memory of spending Christmas - back in 1986 in the senate floor in Cambodia.

JOHNSON: I believe he has corrected the record to say it was some place near Cambodia he is not certain whether it was in Cambodia but he is certain there was some point subsequent to that that he was in Cambodia.

Where is the media? In full cover up mode, says Reynolds. I agree.

At best, Kerry is in possession of a memory that although was "seared" into his mind, he was mistaken about. A little worse than that, Kerry could be a braggart who stretched the truth--who knows, he might have been in Cambodia, just not on Christmas Day. Absolute worse case, Kerry is simply lying about the whole affair for whatever reason.

Is this germane to the presidential campaign? Only because Kerry has made it germane. He talks about his service in Vietnam and how it has made him fit to be commander in chief. Therefore, if his service is called into question, then we must question his credentials to be commander in cheif.

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