Friday, August 06, 2004

Kerry, learn from Gore

John Kerry should learn something from Al Gore's 2000 campaign. Don't lie and make your lies so easily refutable that it makes you look silly. You loose credibility.

John Kerry says if he had been President on 9-11, he would not have sat there for 7 minutes before acting. No, he would have sat there for 40 minutes, not being able to think.

Not only does Kerry look like a Michael Moore stooge as Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani says by taking a line from Moore's movie, but it also invites comparisons on what Kerry did do. And it wasn't flattering.

July 8, 2004 Kerry gave an interview with Larry King (not 30 days ago) and said

Kerry: "...And as I came in [to a meeting in Sen. Daschle's office], Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon...".
As The Ponderosa and Redstate say (and Hat Tip to both), you cannot see the Pentagon from the Capital building (although if they were in the Senate office building and not on the Hill it might be possible, I don't know the distance well enough) and that the second plane hit the WTC at 9:03 am while the Pentagon wasn't hit until 9:43AM, that's 40 minutes of inaction.

The transcript with Larry King is still up and its towards the end of the interview.

Free advice to John Kerry, stick to the truth, don't invent lies, its less embarrassing when people check up on you and you know they will because you are running for President.

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