Friday, August 06, 2004

Jesus Wasn't A Liberal

And neither was he a conservative. Clearly, God is bigger and better than the political ideologies that a sinful world promulgates as the "right" worldview. There is no right worldview except God's worldview: all man is fallen and sinful.

In a sense, I would agree with the Democratic ideology that the individual is not capable of being good; therefore, the corporate body must take care of the individual. However, their policies tend to obviate the personal responsibility that God assigns to each person over their own lives. Each person is responsible for themselves, their relationship with God and their dealings with others. Jesus preached over and over that it is what is inside the man that matters; not that a man was Jewish and a member of the Sanhedrian.

God is not a Democrat or a Republican. He isn't even Independent. This is why I'm bugged by Jesse Jackson:

Think about it: A conservative Christian is a contradiction in terms. Christ wasn’t a conservative. He fed the hungry simply because they were hungry. He didn’t require that they go to work first. He healed the sick, simply because they were sick. He didn’t push them into an insurance company, or let the drug companies gouge them on prices. Jesus was a liberal; Herod was the conservative.

LaShawn Barber demonstrates why Jesse Jackson's comment that Jesus is a liberal Democrat is wrong wrong wrong.

Implicit is the common notion that conservatives don’t care about the poor. Liberals think they’ve cornered the market on compassion simply because they advocate bigger government programs to do the caring and feeding. To sum up the difference between liberal compassion and true compassion, I’ll borrow an old saying: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

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