Monday, August 16, 2004

Good news from Iraq

I know, I know, good news is the norm so it isn't news. After all, we wouldn't buy too many news papers or watch too much TV news if they reported on all the safe plane landings at LAX or your local airport for that matter.

However, when the media does cover an airline crash, they often if not always make sure to include the statistics on how safe air travel is. By giving some good news (air travel is safer then driving statistically), the media gives balance so the views can put the story into context (an airline crash is bad but air travel is still safe).

With Iraq, we only seem to hear the bad news and never hear the good news. If one was only relying on the media for news in Iraq, one would think everything was wrong and nothing good could ever happen there again. Well a large number of blogs (including some listed on the right side of this page) do talk about the success stories in Iraq. The also has a column about the good news out of Iraq over the last two weeks.

This does not mean that everything is wonderful in Iraq, but the nation is being rebuilt and things are not as bad as they might appear.

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