Thursday, November 29, 2007

The debate and other news

Well did you watch the debate last night? To be honest, I didn't. I can't watch people talk and talk and not say anything for very long.

Well today, all over the Internet, you can find someone who agrees with you on who won the debate. Hugh Hewitt thinks Romney won it. Patrick Ruffini at Hewitt's site things Huckabee won as does Captain Quarters. Others think others won and many comments on these sites say the whole thing was a sham.

Michelle Malkin has a long post on the various questions asked by Democratic Operatives who claimed to be undecided voters.

CNN did a very poor job in screening its questions and not making disclosures. Even if the questions were legitimate, by not disclosing the asker is a supporter or works for a democratic presidential candidate, it voids the question and make the dem candidate appear to be engaging in dirty tricks.

CNN acted like they never heard of Google to check the people selected to ask questions.

And the media wonders why Americans hold them in such low regard.

In other news:

The democrats are the new Tories from the Revolutionary days? Interesting article but I can't quite agree with the premise. Tories in the Revolutionary War days were actively supporting the British against those fighting for independence. They took up arms, worked for the British government and actively supported the British Crown. That is very different from what the Democrats are doing today. They are opposing the War in Iraq, but that is different from actively supporting the other side. Now if the Democratic Party starts to send people over to work for insurgents in Iraq, being foot solders, raising money etc. then they could be called the Torrie's or Loyalists from Revolutionary Days. As of now, they are just political opponents.

And finally, a look at the dollar, is it falling or are other currencies rising? Yes there can be a difference.

Have a good day.

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