Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving week

Well posting will be light this week, from me anyway. Maybe the boss can write some more posts this week.

Heading up to Portland Oregon on Tuesday to spend the holiday with my sister and her husband. Will be a long drive and interesting as Helen, my mom and my other sister will be in the car. 4 Adults in a Rav 4, doing a 1,000 mile drive in one day. It will be interesting.

Have a good holiday and remember, you DO NOT have to go to Best Buy on Friday morning for the super savings, spend it with your family, they are more important the that gadget you want to buy.

On to the news for today:

Iran is seeing a demographic collapse with its fertility rate dropping from over 6 to under 1 in 30 years. Iran will start to run out of people after this generation. That means if it wants to be an aggressor it will have to do it soon or develop high tech weapons so it won't need as many bodies. Is that why Iran is trying to get nuclear weapons?

Hindsight is always 20-20. Look at South Korea. In 1953 South Korea was a mess and did not look like it would have a bright future. Today, its economy is bigger then many in Europe and its quality isn't bad either. Iraq has the chance to be the same and its up to the Iraqi's to decide what they want to do.

Letter to Jay Nordlinger on a bumper sticker seen in the Seattle WA area:

On my way to work today I saw the following bumper sticker: “So Many Right-wing
Christians, So Few Lions.” I have lived most of my life in this area, but I’m
still sometimes surprised at how supposedly tolerant liberals here have no
hesitation in saying the most hateful things.

The sad thing is the marriage between Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip is considered so strange because it lasted 60 years. We should be thankful they are both alive to celebrate their long marriage, not that their marriage has survived so long.

Mark Steyn is good as usual. Why should America be thankful.

What the politicians did was mean, but the reactions from the Muslim community just confirms in peoples minds the politicians were right to do it. Perm Link here.

Have a good and safe holiday. Don't know if I will be able to blog while on holiday so have a good week.

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