Monday, November 05, 2007


Capacitors are being used on a limited basis for short range vehicles.

Now capacitors instead of batteries are being used in one drag racer, yes you read that right drag racer.

While the modified EV1 isn't the fastest car out there, yet, its the fastest in its class (electric) and ran the quarter mile in 15.79 seconds. Its top speed was almost 80 MPH. Yes, there are gasoline and alcohol powered vehicles that will top out at 200 MPH and this electric vehicle won't be challenging them at the moment, but this vehicle is powered by capacitors not batteries or any other energy source.

The paper shows there is room for improvement and areas the students will be looking at to increase efficiency of the vehicle and the energy source. It would be very cool if they were able to work out the issues so the car was able compete and beat the conventional drag racers.

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