Friday, November 09, 2007

PGIF yes in deed

Yep we made it through another week and lots of news to talk about today.

Peggy Noonan compares Lady Thatcher to Hillary Clinton as leaders. Great article.

California is heading for an economic disaster and Governor Arnold, the Legislature and the people (we elected them remember) are responsible.

In a related story Arnold says the new universal health care program won't cost anything because it will be paid for by new fees on companies and more federal money. Nice pipe dream but fees is the new word for tax, companies don't pay taxes, they pass them along to us the consumers in the form of higher prices and the program will cost more then the government expects it too. It always does.

Who are these people that support a carbon tax in California? Regardless of political affiliation, I've never run into one. If the politicians think their is such strong support, put it on the ballot so we can vote on it. They won't because it will fail and they know it.

The US tried this before, separate but equal. It didn't work out too well. Why does Canada think it will work better for them?

New York's Governor, Eliot Spitzer, is having his own problems with doing what he wants and not worrying about what his employers (the voters) may want. Don't know if NY can recall a governor like CA can, but maybe Grey Davis should give him a call about what happens when the voters get angry.

Portland schools are trying to keep kids away from inappropriate web sites on school computers and tell parents how to secure their home computers. All well and good, but the same district will also help a girl get an abortion, get birth control and treatment for STD without telling the parent. Why are both not treated the same? I really do not understand.

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