Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Veterans Day

At Church yesterday, the pastor asked all veterans in the congregation to come forward so we could thank them and honor them and pray for them and all veterans and active service members. We had veterans who served in Iraq/Afghan, Gulf War, Vietnam, Korea and World War 2 stand up. We gave them a long round of applause and then prayed for them.

Hope you get the day off on veterans day and remember why you get the day off and honor a veteran or an active service member. Just say thanks and buy them a drink if they like. Starbucks or Jack Daniels what ever they want.

On to the news:

The Democrats in Congress seem desperate to force the US to lose in Iraq. They are trying to required the immediate withdrawal of US forces from Iraq as a rider to the bill funding operations in Iraq. May they continue to lose.

Its funny that people keep saying they want free speech until they hear something they disagree with and then demand the offender be silenced. Daily Kos just did this. What happened to the free expression of all ideas?

Now the Democrats are claiming they are the reason crime fell so much in the 1990s. Here's a hint. The Democrats can claim some of the credit. The Republicans can claim more of the credit. The US economy can claim even more of the credit. And the US demographics can claim most of the credit. But why let facts get in the way of a good story right?

Finally an article listing many of the supposed scare stories of the past 20 years, the reaction to them from the politicians and comparing the harm from the politicians actions to the actual harm.

The US economy will recover. Well I do hope so and believe so if and only if we can keep the politicians from mucking up the economy.

Are polar bears in danger from Global Warming? Well in Roman times they grew grapes around London. What did the bears do then?

Have a good day.

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