Thursday, May 17, 2007


Hmmm, making a plea for people to acknowledge the existence of this blog might work better if I wasn't the only one who visited it yesterday. Oh well, so much for trying to get sympathy visits and comments.

Class tonight so it will be a long day. All of my other semesters (I'm in my 6th and last semester), classes officially ended at 10pm but most got out between 9 and 10pm because the professors had covered the material. This semester, classes are still officially 6 to 10, but the professors keep us to 10 or 10:30pm. As I tell my classmates (while ducking) that at least we are getting our moneys worth, they counter that by 9:30 or so most if not all of the class is so brain dead we aren't getting anything out of it. That is true and makes sense. It is very difficult to concentrate 100% for 4 hours, especially after a full day at work. Oh well, enough rambling about school, it will hopefully be over in 12 weeks.

Two columns I found that I'd like to share:

Fred Thompson's on why schools do not teach Military History as a subject and what the consequences for us as a society is.

Mike Adams on how God can use a total screw up (Mike) and transform him into a new person. Also how God does have a sense of humor when it comes to answering prayers.

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