Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Tuesday Roundup

Second week of the semester and the avalanche is here. Lot of work coming up. Oh well, keep reminding myself, 13 weeks till freedom and NOT to give into the temptation of senior-itous.

NATO still has its original purpose, keeping Europe free from Russia domination?

It says something about post-communist Russia that two nations that once felt safe enough to avoid NATO membership during the Cold War no longer feel safe from today's Russia.

It won't be long before Patrick Moore will be issuing an apology. Well, he might get away with it since he is 84 and lives in the UK. If a yank said this in the US, the fur would be flying. What was the offending comment?
The BBC is being ruined by women

With Europe moving towards the right, will the US move to the left? E. J. Dionne Jr sure seems to be hoping so. Hap Tip Lucianne

Finally, James Lileks' employer is making changes and Hugh Hewitt is NOT happy. Actually, I kind of agree the management seems to be making a foolish decision and not using the assets they have effectively.

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