Friday, May 18, 2007


Yes, its Friday, day before the weekend.

Had class last night, first part was slow. We finished introducing ourselves, for a class of 25, it took a total of 3 1/2 hours to go through the roll call. The introduction of name and background was quick. The question on how we define conflict and how we deal with conflict took a long time and basically, each person's view was challenged by the professor because it wasn't comprehensive. By the end of the roll call, people were giving very generalist and therefore meaningless answers so there wasn't an interrogation by the prof. The prof is an attorney and yes he can out argue all of us. If he couldn't, I'd be demanding my money back.

Tonight, meeting with my Strategy Team, also meeting on Sunday afternoon because there isn't any one time everyone could meet so we are meeting twice. Should be fun, just have to do a few final modifications to our planning spreadsheet and make sure all the links are correct and then make lots of copies. It will be very un-pretty if anything happens to that file.

This weekend, between team meetings, have a lot of homework to finish up as well. 11 more weeks and counting.

Ok, enough blather about my life, on to the news.

President Bush is saying the Senate should now ratify the Law Of the Sea Treaty (LOST). This was originally negotiated back in Regan's FIRST term. It was decided then it was a bad idea for the US to agree to it. I do not think anything has changed except for GW Bush trying to curry favor with other countries by signing it. I disagree. Hat tip Lucianne.

Global Warming is caused by the Sun rather then by carbon dioxide so some claim. Hat tip Lucianne.

Should the US get involved in Civil Wars and is Iraq a Civil War? The answer to both depends on who you ask. Jonah Goldburg has some interesting thoughts on the subject.

Finally, over at National Review Online (NRO), they have lots of comments on the new immigration plan. Short version, they DO NOT like it. Actually, Hugh Hewitt doesn't like it either and both are predicting very bad things for the Republican Party if it passes.

Have a good weekend in spite of the news.

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