Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday and all is well . . . . sort of

Class last night was ok, very long. Didn't get out until 10pm and then only because the prof saw most of the class getting a glazed look in their eyes. We still didn't cover the last subject so that has been pushed back to next week. In a way that is too bad because forecasting is pretty important for the SIM and getting better tools for forecasting would always be helpful.

We also ran the first quarter of the SIM, we made money (which is always a good thing) and it is interesting to see how our team did verses the other teams. We can only see some of the data from the other teams (similar to annual reports in real companies) but everyone seems to be very cautious at the moment, no one wants to expand too fast or do any bet the farm scenarios.

Ok, enough about my school work.

Last week in Las Vegas a hotel worker was killed and his girlfriend was wounded when a bomb that was placed on his car exploded when he tried to remove it. The bomb was in a backpack sitting on the roof of the car and the worker was moving the backpack from his car so he could leave after his shift. Well, it turns out the person who planted the bomb was the former boyfriend of the girl and he didn't like the fact she was going out with the victim. Hat tip Lucianne.

Finally, Hugh Hewitt has some interesting comments on the volcano at Yellowstone park. If it went boom like it did 630,000 years ago, most of the country West of the Mississippi River would be destroyed. I've also posted a very interesting graphic of what the ash cloud fallout would be like from such an eruption. In 1815, Krakatoa exploded in Indonesia and it was the year without a summer. If Yellowstone blows like it did before, it will be the decade without a summer.

See you tomorrow.

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