Thursday, December 20, 2007

And this is bad news???

Congress will not approve 4 members to the FEC (Federal Election Commission), the organization that is charged with insuring our elections are fair and not tainted with corruption. Well, we all know how well they did in the 2000 and even the 2004 elections in Florida, Ohio and Washington.

Why won't Congress approve these 4 people? Well the FEC is made up of 6 members, 3 Republican and 3 Democrats. Harry Reid (Majority Leader) is demanding one of the Republican nominations, Hans von Spakovsky, be withdrawn because he does not like the person. The Republicans refuse and so we have an impasse.

The "crime" Senator Reid says Mr. von Spakovsky is he supported the idea that voters should have to provide ID to vote at an election. I can't check out a library book with out showing an ID, voter ID cards are free and I haven't heard of anyone who can't get a license or a State ID because they cannot afford it. So the Democrats are saying if they can't keep a Republican off the FEC who they don't like, then no one can be on it, well that is fine with the Republicans.

I guess the Republicans remember the other times in the past the Democrats have demanded their way or they would not allow anything to be done. Hint, think 1830s, 1850s, 1861, 1932, 1974, 1975, 2007 among others.

The second thing in the news is a new law starting January 1 in Arizona that is cracking down on businesses that employ illegal immigrants. Business' must verify the people working for them have the legal right to work in the US or they face fines. Illegal immigrants are now leaving the State on their own because employers are not hiring them and they can't find work. No need for ICE to be called, just enforce the laws we have on the books and many of the illegal immigrants will leave because they can't make a living here. Mexico needs their skills to transform that economy to one that can produce enough jobs to support the people there.

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