Saturday, December 08, 2007

This weekend

Well tomorrow my wife and I are going to Vegas for 4 days. Well hopefully we will be going.

On Thursday my mom had surgery for breast cancer and the cancer had spread more then originally thought. The doc thinks he got it all but have to wait for pathology to say so. So the surgery was more extensive then originally planned, but my mom is doing ok. My wife is already out there helping my mom and my sister is coming down tomorrow to stay with her for a week. So after my sister arrives and everything is ok, we will go to Vegas. Still should be a fun time.

Today at work we had to take inventory of all the furniture in the building. Its a 3 story building and at one point there were over 700 people working there. You do the math for the number of desks, chairs, table, cabinets and bookcases that equals too. Fortunately we had an outside company come in to do the audit, but some of us folks had to observe them do the count so bang, there went today. We did manage to finish the 1st and 3rd floors and they will finish the 2nd floor on Saturday. Darn, I have to miss that because I will be in either at my mom's or Vegas.

Stay dry and will see you next week.

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