Saturday, December 01, 2007

Rain, Electricity and the state of the blog

Rain, Electricity and the state of the blog

Yep, we actually had a day of rain in SoCal yesterday (Friday Nov 30). It rained basically all day. It was good because we need the water but in the burn areas they are also very concerned about mudslides that could destroy homes spared by the fire or wipe out the roads to those areas. The police have evacuated some areas of Northern San Diego late yesterday so if there were any mudslides, only property and not people would be lost.

In my neighborhood we had another problem. The electricity went out about 10 am on Friday. Originally the power company said it should be back on by 2pm. Well, it was about 10:30 pm when I went to bed last night and the power was still out. It came on sometime during the night.

But the funny thing about the blackout, it only effected certain properties. On my block, it effected 3 properties, the Apartment complex next door had power and the street that makes a T intersection into my street also didn't have power.

Being with out electricity quickly shows how dependent we as a society, and me individually, on the stuff. No garage door opener, no lights, no heat (furnace uses electricity to start and to blow the hot air), no computer or TV, no refrigeration, no coffee, need matches to get the stove working etc. Fortunately my wife likes to buy candles for decorations so we used some of them and our flashlights. We also have a good stock of batteries. So I read a book and my wife knitted and we had a very relaxing evening, the things we planned to get done in our home office just had to wait. I would hate to think what Los Angeles would do if power were cut for several days or weeks across the county.

But today the sun is out and the power is back, life is good.

This is the 203rd post for 2007, this blog as returned from the dead compared to the number of posts in 2006 (12) and 2005 (5), but we are unlikely to top the number of posts from 2003 (304) by the end of December. Especially if some of the other contributors (hint hint hint) don't start writing again. Oh well, its not like too many read this so guess its a wash.

Have a great weekend.

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