Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Work and news

Well we were to have an all hands meeting at 9:30 this am. I normally don't bother as they usually provide little useful information. But today I went and after waiting for 20 minutes for the meeting to start, gave up in disgust and came back to blog. As an all hands meeting we had people in our satellite offices on the phone as well. I don't know how many people were waiting on the phone, but in the auditorium there was over 200 people. So the 20 minute delay cost the company over 66 man hours of work. Next time send a bleeding memo.

Raise a beer or other alcoholic drink today to acknowledge the passage of the 21st amendment which ended Prohibition. December 5, 1933.

China's struggle to protect a giant soft shell turtle.

Some problems with mandating a 35 MPG fleet average. The large station wagons got better mileage then the big SUV's but we only have SUV's now because of the 1975 law. The unintended consequences to the law were bigger and less fuel efficient vehicles.

Freezing the rates on ARM sub-prime mortgages. In abstract its a bad idea because it rewards bad behavior. On the practical side, I can't see the government not doing anything and letting the banking system, housing market and the international fiance system being put all at risk in the name of economic orthodoxy.

Starvation or GM Foods. Seems a simple solution, but there are those who say starvation and not GM Foods. Of course the starvation will not happen to them but to others.

Death Before Burkas, enough said.

Sherri Shepherd exposed the depths of her ignorance. If she is this uninformed or just this stupid, why should we listen to her on anything?

Santa is under attack because the slang meaning of Ho might offend some women who are too ignorant to know the true meaning of the word. And it isn't likely Santa is meaning the slang version anyway.

Have a good day.

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