Sunday, December 23, 2007

ATF, Credit Cards and Politics

Jerry over at Cogito Ergo Geek has a story about Bill Atkins and the Atkins Accelerator. The question being asked is was the ATF justified in their actions against Mr. Atkins or not. In my opinion, based on the information available, I think the ATF was justified but hope for those wiser on the subject then me to provide more information. Well worth checking out.

Just in time for Christmas, the number of people who are delinquent with their credit card payments is increasing. This can be troubling for the economy because people can't refinance their homes to pay off their cards and now they can't make the minimum payments on their credit cards so spending will start to decline. This can lead to an economic slowdown unless exports increase or business spending increases. But that may not happen.

Finally, Mark Steyn has a wonderful article on Presidential candidates and their fear to say Merry Christmas until Mike Huckabee proved it wasn't political death to say it.

Have a Merry Christmas to one and all.

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