Monday, December 17, 2007

Next Generation not welcome????

Mark Steyn has an interesting article at NRO about how some feel we should save the planet. No one should have kids because any child born will harm the earth. After all, a child expels carbon dioxide with every breath, eats food which takes oil to produce and will make the parents spend money on things for the child.

Here is the money quote from the column:

But here’s something new that took hold in the year 2007: a radical anti-humanism, long present just below the surface, bobbed up and became explicit and respectable. In Britain, the Optimum Population Trust said that “the biggest cause of climate change is climate changers — in other words, human beings,” and Professor John Guillebaud called on Britons to voluntarily reduce the number of children they have. Last week, in The Medical Journal Of Australia, Barry Walters went further: To hell with this wimp-o pantywaist “voluntary” child-reduction. Professor Walters wants a “carbon tax” on babies, with, conversely, “carbon credits” for those who undergo sterilization procedures. So that’d be great news for the female eco-activists recently profiled in London’s Daily Mail boasting about how they’d had their tubes tied and babies aborted in order to save the planet. “Every person who is born,” says Toni Vernelli, “produces more rubbish, more pollution, more greenhouse gases, and adds to the problem of overpopulation.” We are the pollution, and sterilization is the solution. The best way to bequeath a more sustainable environment to our children is not to have any.What’s the “pro-choice” line? “Every child should be wanted”? Not anymore. The progressive position has subtly evolved: Every child should be unwanted.

The rest of the article is good too and shows how politicians are still using the birth of Jesus for their political gain.

My question to all those yahoos who think allowing children to be born is a bad idea, if humanity is so bad, why haven't you killed yourself to save the planet? Or are they such cowards to do what they preach to the rest of us??? Yes that is a rhetorical question I know.

Have a good day.

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