Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Fueling the inferno

Debra J. Saunders at the San Francisco Chronicle has a very good article with the above title.

The bad guys attack Spain, the voters decide to change from a government that is helping to rebuild Iraq (getting to the root cause of terrorism per the Left, ending poverty etc.) to one that will pull out of Iraq now. The bad guys now say Spain has to also pull out of Afghanistan or Spain will be turned into an inferno.

When the Spanish police close in on the gang that set of the train bombs, the kill themselves instead of being captured so they can't reveal what other attacks are planned (they found another bomb on a high speed train last weekend).

The world has to re-learn the lessons we should have remembered from the 1930s. APPEASEMENT DOES NOT WORK. If it did, the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia would have prevented World War 2.

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