Thursday, April 22, 2004

It only took two years

From JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer

""WASHINGTON - On Sept. 11, 2001, the fourth hijacked plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field, the quick action of passengers possibly saving the U.S. Capitol from becoming a fireball. Now, two-and-a-half years later, Congress is readying its response. ""

If the Senate is wiped out by an attack, the State Governors can appoint people to replace them until the next election (so if the Senate was wiped out in 9/11, the appointed Senators would have had to run for re-election in November 2002).

If the House is wiped out by an attack, there is currently no mechanism to replace house members before the next scheduled election. House members cannot be appointed. At best special elections may be held. To change that, we would need to change our constitution. Some want to allow for appointments while others want to mandate elections must take place with in 45 days of the attack, the logistics of this are mind boggling. In 45 days people have to file their paper work and the States must hold a State wide election? When California held its recall election, many State workers said it would be very difficult. And that was with more time (they could see the recall gathering steam) then in the aftermath of a terrorist attacks. I don't know the correct answer but it is something we as a nation should look at.

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