Monday, April 19, 2004

"I believe it is peace for our time...

...Go home and get a nice quiet sleep." -- Nevill Chamberlain

Check out Allah's photoshop job, which gave me a chuckle; then a chill.

Lest somebody misconstrue, the Spanish troops and police forces on the job in Iraq and worldwide are to be commended for what they have endured and sacrificed for the sake of the Iraqi people and for the cause of safeing the world from Islamic terrorism.

The chill comes from my wondering what Zapatero has accomplished with the pullout other than popularity at the polls. Short term gains for a Spanish political party in exchange for long term losses for the rest of us?

It is not so much the actual intent of the Spanish government to pull their troops (as is their right) out at this moment in time, rather it is the impression that such a withdrawal gives those who think (however wrongly) they have influenced the Spanish political process. Mark my words, we haven't seen the last of this sort of work by terrorists.

November looms.

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