Friday, April 23, 2004

Update on Spirit of America

Last week I pointed to an article at about a non profit which secures items here for the Marines to deliver in Iraq and help with the re-building of the country.

The primary project last week was to get 7 television stations back on the air (owned and operated by Iraqis where the US Military would have to buy advertising time just like Coca Cola) and they needed to raise US$100,000.00 for the equipment.

Well in today's column, bottom of the page (sorry, don't know how to link to go to that part automatically) there is an update. In a week, they raised $880,321.00 (yes that is correct, almost 9 times the amount needed). Donations ranged from $50,000 to $3.50. is the website for the org.

I also like what Jim Hake (founder) will do with the extra money. Not keep it in the US, but channel all of it to the projects in Iraq. Visit the web site for updates on the projects, funds raised and for accounting on how the money was used.

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