Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Airplanes, simulations and stuff

Stayed at home yesterday, throat was inflamed. Its still tender today but manageable. Did make it to class last night, basically, as long as I can stand 2 out of 3 tries, I will make class. Our simulation went well for Year 4 Quarters 3 & 4. We are just at the point we can start making serious money and taking on the competition. The only bad news is out stock price has increased so buying back shares has become much more expensive.

Airplanes in the news:

Russia is selling MIGs to Iran and Syria so they will be able to defend their airspace. Its a good deal all around. Russia gets paid for the aircraft, pilot training and maintenance, Iran and Syria get some shiny new toys to gloat over and the US and Israel have their target drones for the next two years. Its a win, win, win situation. Ok, the Iranian and Syrian pilots may not think so. Remember the last time Syria and Israel tangled in the air it was Israel 82 kills to Syria 0 kills. Hat tip Lucianne.

Airbus has announced sales of its aircraft totaling $45 billion at the Paris Air Show. That is 10 times what Boeing announced. Airbus is having a good week, which they need after the last year with all the problems they have had with the 380 and the 350. It is still to be seen if Airbus can get the 380 program back on track and if its design for the 350 will work as advertised. Hat tip Lucianne.

I generally do not have too many nice things to say about University Presidents in the US, they seem to mostly be about keeping the faculty happy, even when the faculty needs to be reprimanded (think the professors at Duke who slandered the lacrosse players and never bothered to apologize) and raise money. Even Larry Summers got fired for stating the obvious, men and women are different and one aspect of that difference is that people tend to gravitate towards different areas of study. Its not that woman CAN'T make it in the hard sciences, but that on the whole, many prefer not to. Anyway I fear the rest of this post may be lost because any visitor may stop reading and Harvard isn't what I'm writing about.
Columbia University has said publicly, that if the UK university faculty decide to boycott Israel universities, to boycott Columbia as well. Good for him. Hat tip Lucianne.

Have a good day and thanks for stopping by.

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