Tuesday, June 05, 2007

June Gloom has arrived

Well, actually it arrived over a week ago, but since we are now in June we have June Gloom instead of overcast days in May. In So Cal, every June, its usually cloudy in the morning and hazy to sunny in the afternoon. We also normally have bright and warm days in May but it was overcast for much of the month.

Class yesterday was interesting. For our Year 3 Qt 3 simulation, we had a nasty surprise. We expected to make about 1.70 per unit sold, but due to an error in our spreadsheet model our profit was less then 0.70 per unit. Our pricing was also aggressive so our total sales units went down. We had been slow at raising our prices so we tried to catch up to the competition and we overshot our mark. At least we still made money and it turned out to be a good thing because it depressed our stock price making it cheaper to buy back. We also ran Year 4 Qt 4, had only about 45 minutes to make our decisions and we nailed it. Our pricing was right where we wanted it to be and we went from the lowest net income to the highest net income. I understand that anyone else reading the above will likely wonder what am I talking about. Short answer is my Monday class is playing a business simulation and we make our decisions for a quarter. We make our decisions or choices for price, production number, advertising, R/D etc. It all goes into a computer and it spits out the results. We then have to make our next decision based on our last quarters results. There are 6 people on a team and 5 teams in class and the teams are in competition with each other. So in the off chance anyone from class reads this, can't give specifics because I don't want to give anything away.

So on to the news.

Is a fence between the US and Mexico too expensive? Hat tip Lucianne.

The politics of immigration, how did each side assume their roles. Hat tip Lucianne.

Another reminder of the fact there is evil in the world and we have to fight it to prevent is spread or to insure it doesn't return. Hat tip Lucianne.

Another politician says we must sacrifice for the environment. Haven't any of them heard of leading by example instead of staying safely in the rear telling us what to do?

An Iraq update.

Have a good day and will hope to see you tomorrow.

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